Some Things To Remember About Writing


“Make sure you aren't wasting the reader’s time.” – Contributed by Ian Rash Using an online source called  The Minimalist , I learn...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

My Interview With Serena by Peyton Vincent

Q: What’s your favorite memory from the past and why?
A: In 2nd grade when I guessed how many starbursts were in a jar and I guessed it right, it is my favorite memory because I got to eat all the starbursts

Q: If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
A: I would go to Hawaii because I love the weather and the it is really pretty

Q: Would you ever own an elephant and why?
A: I would because I would ride it and bring it to school

Q: What are your favorite hobbies?
A: Drawing and biking. Drawing because it kills time and biking because it feels nice
Q: What is the thing that annoy you most and why?
A: When my brother steals my things without telling me. It annoys me because I can clearly see him taking it.

Q:What 2 superpowers do you wish you could have and why?
A: Flight because it would be really cool and controlling people’s minds because I could have a lot of power

Q: What makes a good friend?
A: A sense of humor, kindness, loyalty, and generosity

Q: What would your perfect room look like?
A: The one I have now, Periwinkle walls, white furniture, a memory foam bed, and big windows

Q: What job would you be terrible at and why?
A: A surgeon because I hate looking at blood

Q: What’s your favorite piece of clothing that you own or owned and why?
A: A pink shirt with a teal cactus on the side of the shirt that says “Looking Sharp” I like it because it looks cool.

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