Some Things To Remember About Writing


“Make sure you aren't wasting the reader’s time.” – Contributed by Ian Rash Using an online source called  The Minimalist , I learn...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

An Interview With Britta Nathan by Ritam Chakrabarti

1. What is your favorite vacation that you’ve been on?
Answer: Las Vegas, because there are so many lights everywhere.

2. What age do you look forward to?
Answer: 14 so i can get a phone, because my parents said i can’t get a phone till i am in 9th grade.

3. What is one of your greatest weakness?
Answer: Spiders, i hate spiders.

4. What is one of your greatest talents?
Answer: Tennis, he plays it on a team, he got rich and famous off tennis.

5. What is the thing that annoys you most?
Answer: Dogs. Because I am allergic to them.

6. What would you do with 20 million dollars?
Answer: Get a mansion, get a iphone 8+, i would give some to charity, give some to my parents, and get a tesla.

7. What would if was coming at you with a car on the street.
Answer: You’d jump onto the car, and run away.

8. If you had one wish what would you wish for
Answer: Infinity wishes

9. What makes you nervous
Answer: Stepping on stage makes me nervous.

10.What is your dream job

Answer: Scientist

1 comment:

  1. I didn't say any of those things. Fake News! I think you put the wrong name on. I don't play Tennis and I have never been to Las Vegas. And I am certainly not allergic to dogs.
