Some Things To Remember About Writing


“Make sure you aren't wasting the reader’s time.” – Contributed by Ian Rash Using an online source called  The Minimalist , I learn...

Monday, July 23, 2018

Alien Spotted Surfing In Hawaii!!!! by Kali Sura

On Tuesday July 24th an alien was spotted surfing on the big island, “ Saw it with my own eyes! As big as a giant and shaped like a whale it was!” says Ernie Shaft who was out walking when he saw the alien crush 10 streets with one foot. The location of the alien is currently unknown however it was last seen crushing a mountain near the harbor. Seeing all the destruction and damage the alien caused the government sent police to tranquilize the alien and throw him into the ocean. The police found the alien crushing another 20 streets near the harbor and was about tranquilize it when the alien picked up the tranquilizer and crushed it with one hand.

It also picked up 30 policemen and threw far out into the ocean, terrified the remaining
20 police officers fled for their lives. The alien then proceeded to crush 8  more mountains and
flatten 3 woods so that by the end of the day the big island looked like nothing more than a
flat pancake with a few houses remaining. After eating more than 200 humans the alien retired
to the one forest remaining on the big island and slept peacefully.

The survivors fled in a boat to the island of Kilauea where a volcano erupted.
The terrified government surrendered to the alien.

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