Some Things To Remember About Writing


“Make sure you aren't wasting the reader’s time.” – Contributed by Ian Rash Using an online source called  The Minimalist , I learn...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Interview with Raghav Goel by Lucas Weidner

Today I sat down with Raghav to talk to him about his interests and to learn about his life- everything from his pet peeves to his favorite vacation spot to his hobbies. The following is the interview that took place:

Q: Out of every place you have been, if you could choose one place to go back to because of its natural beauty, which place would you go to?
A: I’d choose India, definitely.

Q: Is there a reason you choose India?
A: I chose India because because of the beautiful trees, rivers, nature, just nature in general.
Q: What is something you enjoy doing in your free time?
A: I don’t have much free time, but when I do video games are fun.
Q: What attracted you to video games?
A: I don’t know, they are just really fun.
Q: What genre of books entice you?
A: Fantasy is my favorite because nonfiction or informational books can be boring.
Q: Do you also enjoy writing in that genre?
A: Yes. I don’t write much, but when I do I like to write fantasy.
Q: If you found an alien from a distant world, what would you do?
A: I’d would keep it a secret because of a few reasons. First off, I’d want to keep it safe. If the world found out about this alien, scientists, governments and everyone else would want to see it. Also, I wouldn’t want the publicity.

Q: What are some of your biggest annoyances?
A: Lines, people who know everything… those are just a few.

Q: What do you want to go to college for?
A: I’d want to study science, specifically chemistry. It’s cool how we know what things are made up of.

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